Yesterday afternoon, nearly got frostbite on my fingers, but it was so worth it to be able to play in the snow. My mother and I took one step outside and sunk into the pure white powder up to our knees. But we trudged on to play in the snow for about ten minutes before we decided it was way too cold to be outside. I made a snow angel, which officially froze my whole body. Totally worth it though. Here is a slight glimpse of our life in "Snow Storm Ion" from the Reimers' residence.
Front and back porch with our festive lights.
My mother's hair with some flurries. Loved it.
Myself being an idiot without a hat on in the freezing weather.
Little bit of "warm" snow.
I'm a 21 year old child.
I realize how much of a child I still am when I wake up super excited in the morning to see how much more snow had accumulated while I was sleeping. Anyway we are still pretty much unable to leave the house so who knows what other kind of antics I will come up with.
Stay tuned.
H&K- Jess
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